What is Oral Hyposensitivity Gustatory Sensory Processing Disorder?

What is Oral Hyposensitivity Gustatory Sensory Processing Disorder?

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) comes in variations. There are two types of this disorder: Hyposensitivity and Hypersensitivity to oral stimuli. Last week I discussed 10 signs of Hypersensitivity Gustatory SPD and this week we'll look at Hyposensitivity Gustatory SPD.

Gustatory SPD in general refers to a heightened or decreased sensitivity to eating or sense of taste. Oral hyposensitivity means an individual is less responsive to sensory information.

10 signs of oral hyposensitivity to look for:

Your child may:

  • Chew on fingers or shirts,
  • Lick objects around them.
  • Chew non-food items,
  • Chew the inside of their cheeks,
  • Bite other people,
  • Prefer crunchy foods,
  • Bites their tongue and lips often,
  • Prefers spicy and intense flavorful foods,
  • Fill their cheeks full of food, 
  • Prefers only very hot or very cold foods

Munchables Chews can help with Gustatory Sensory Processing Disorder because this type of SPD causes individuals to seek more sensory input.

Say goodbye to torn shirts and bitten nails with Munchables. Our sensory pendants provide kids with a stylish, discreet piece of jewellery that can be chewed on with confidence while out with friends or at home.

Gustatory Sensory Processing Disorder Oral Hypo-sensitivity

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